48 x 48 in, oil, celluolose pigment, Peruvian balsam, fabric flocking, graphite, paper and fabric cut outs on canvas.

39 x 36 in, oil, cellulose pigment, Peruvian balsam, bold point pen traced with clove oil, epidote, and paper cutouts, 3d printed remnants on canas with stained oganza and alpaca thread hanging from the bottom. .

24 x 20 in, oil, Peruvian balsam, marker, porcelain fragments, a wooden bass bridge, a rabbit skin mold pour , turmeric, cut out paper, fabric, and plastic, on stretched cotton fabric.

20 x 16 in, oil, Peruvian balsam, celluolose pigment, fine tooth comb, organza, fabric trim and 3d printed gestures, on wooden panel.

20 x 16 in, oil, Peruvian balsam, celluolose pigment, paper cut out, and 3d printed form on canvas.

20 x 16 in, oil, celluolose pigment, Peruvian balsam, turmeric, bold point pen, and clove oil on paper cut out and canvas.

20 x 16 in, oil, celluolose pigment, Peruvian balsam, turmeric, bold point pen, and clove oil on paper cut out and canvas.

Oil, celliolose pigment, cherry, bald point pen, marker, clove oil, Peruvian balsam, and turmeric on paper and yupo cut outs mounted on canvas.

16 x 20 in, oil, celluolose pigment, Peruvian balsam, turmeric, bold point pen, and clove oil on paper cut out and canvas.

20 x 16 in, oil, celluolose pigment, Peruvian balsam, turmeric, bold point pen, and clove oil on paper cut out and canvas.

20 x 16 in, oil, celluolose pigment, Peruvian balsam, turmeric, bold point pen, and clove oil on paper cut out and canvas.

Oil, Peruvian balsam, celluolose pigment, alpaca thread, iron gall ink, on canvas printed with a still from a video, 20 x 27 in.

23 x 25 in, water based pigment, oil, balsam, and lavender glitter on paper and vinyl, 2015.

26 x 24 in, water based pigment, oil,balsam , and lavender glitter on paper and vinyl, 2015.

16 x 13 in, oil, balsam, alpaca and gold thread on fabric dyed satin wrapped over a frame, 2015.

60 x 60 in, beet juice, turmeric, cayenne, and mica powder, oil, pigment, 2015.

24 x 20 inches, oil, industrial marker, and activated charcoal on linen.

Watercolor, oil, balsam, coin, shards of glass, on linen, 24 x 20 inches.

12 x 13 inches, turmeric, watercolor,clove oil, oil paint, and bold point pen on organza wrapped over burlap and wood panel, 2017.

16 x 16 inches, clove oil, bold point pen, trans oxide powder, and oil paint on linen, burlap, and organza. 2017

72 x 48.5 inches, watercolor, oil, Peruvian balsam, beet, turmeric, & matcha powder, thin purple highlighter, cut iridescent mylar, alpaca thread, various fabric on linen, 2017.

24 x 20 inches, oil, paper cut out, industrial marker, and activated charcoal on linen, 2017.

24 x 20 inches, oil, industrial marker, and activated charcoal on linen.

48 x 36 in, oil, balsam, and charcoal on fiberglass fabric, 2016.

24 x 20 inches, oil, balsam, beet powder, and moss, on canvas, 2016.

24 x 20 inches, oil, balsam, moss, birch, and beet powder on canvas, 2016.

15 x 16 inches, oil, balsam, and fine glitter on canvas and woodcut print cut out, 2016.

8 x 10 in fabric dye, bold point pen, clove oil, and balsam on canvas, 2016.

10 x 8 in, oil, balsam, turmeric, fine glitter, on canvas, 2016.

27 x 25 in, pen, oil, balsam, moss, turmeric, fabric, and thread, on canvas, 2016.

27 x 25 in, oil, balsam, moss, and alpaca thread, on linen, 2016.

13 x 13 in, oil on linen, 2016.

Watercolor, oil, balsam, coin, shards of glass on linen.

24 x 20 inches, oil, Peruvian and granulated blasam, turmeric, beet powder, fragmented pieces of stone, and moss on spandex sewn into canvas, 2017,

51 x 24 x 23 in, oil, balsam, alpaca thread on canvas, democratic ribbon, wood, foam wrapped in tissue paper, 2015.

51 x 24 x 23 in, oil, balsam, alpaca thread on canvas, democratic ribbon, wood, foam wrapped in tissue paper, 2015.

12 x 9 in, water color, oil, balsam, and alpaca thread, on canvas and wooden frame, 2015.

30 x 40in, water based pigment, lavender glitter, oil, balsam, alpaca thread, and organza on canvas, 2015.

24 x 20 in, oil, balsam, and fine glitter on silk screen, 2015.

72 x 60 in, fabric dye, oil, balsam, pigment, alpaca thread, and organza on canvas, 2015.

48 x 36 in ,oil, balsam, turmeric, and fine glitter, on linen. 2015.

9 x 12in, oil, balsam, fine glitter, and alpaca thread on silk screen, 2015.

27 x 32 in, oil, balsam, fine glitter, and organza on cotton fabric, 2015.

13 x 10 in, oil, fine glitter ,aluminum tape, on canvas and wooden frame, 2015.

13 x 10 in, oil, balsam, and fine glitter, and thread on silica and wooden frames, 2015.

46 x 46 in, cherries, oil, balsam, mica powder, cotton swabs, vinyl tape on loose linen woven and fitted on a wooden support, 2014.

33 x 33 in, fabric dye, oil, and balsam, dry wall and satin, 2015.

36 x 39 in, oil, balsam, and foam sticker on linoleum, fabric, and canvas, 2014

36 x 36 in, oil, balsam turmeric, on satin, and stretched camouflage fabric, 2014.

72 x 60 in, fabric dye and oil on organza and velvet, 2014.

72 x 60 in, oil and balsam on satin.

27 x 22 in, oil, balsam, and mica powered on linen, 2014.

36 x 39 in, oil, balsam, raw pigment, fine glitter, and mica powder on canvas, 2014.

60 x 48 in, oil and balsam on linen, 2014.

22-x-23 in, walnut-ink, fabric-dye soap water, oil, on honeycomb board.

12-x-12-in, oil and balsam on paper, 2013.

13-x-12 in, oil and balsam on paper, 2013.

11-x-9 in, oil and balsam on magazine paper, 2013.

9 x 12 in, oil and balsam on screen imprinted paper souvenir bag, 2013.

9-x-7 in, oil on old magazine paper, 2013.

18 x 21 in, walnut ink, fabric dye, soap, oil and balsam on honey comb board, 2013.

20 x 23 in, walnut ink, fabric dye, soap, oil and balsam on honey comb board, 2013.

19-x-21 in, soap water, walnut ink, and oil on window screen and honey comb board, 2013.

72 x 60in, oil on canvas, 2005.

72 x 60 in, oil and mica powder on canvas, 2009

68 x 69 in, oil on canvas, 2007.

18.5 x 20.5 inches, fabric dye, oil, balsam, turmeric, mica powder, extra fine glitter, and moss on organza wrapped over a shaped wood panel, 2017.

16 x 18 inches, inches, bald point pen, clove oil, walnut oil, turmeric, paper cut out, industrial martker, and oil paint on wood panel, 2017.

20 x 16 in, bold point pen, clove oil, and colored pencil on canvas, 2018.

20 x 16 in, fabric dye, oil, balsam on canvas, and turmeric on canvas, 2018.

24 x 20 in, fabric dye, oil, and balsam on silkscreen, 2018.

39 x 36 in, oil, fabric dye, balsam, and paper cut out on organza wrapped over burlap, 2018.

120 in x 60 in including thread, oil , lavender spike, Peruvian Balsam, paper and fabric cut outs, plaster mold fragments, charcoal, moringa powder, turmeric, and alpaca thread. 2018.

11 x 9 inches, oil, and cherries on linen, 2018.

11 x 9 inches, oil, industrial marker, and charcoal on linen, 2018

11 x 9 inches, oil, balsam, industrial marker. trans-oxide powder, and activated charcoal on linen, 2018.

72 x 50 in, oil, cellulose pigment, marker, iron gall ink, paper cut outs, turmeric, and alpaca thread on stretched organza fabric, 2019.

24 x 24 in, oil, Peruvian balsam, cellulose pigment, alpaca thread, paper and fabric cutouts on printed silk.

24 x 24 in, oil, Peruvian balsam, cellulose pigment, alpaca thread, paper and fabric cutouts on printed silk.

24 x 24 in, oil, Peruvian balsam, cellulose pigment, alpaca thread, paper and fabric cutouts on printed silk.

29 x 28 in, oil, iron gall ink, celluolose pigment, fabric flocking, alpaca thread, marker, turmeric, and oxidized cherry juice on printed rayon, organza, and Peruvian balsam on wood, 2019.

30 x 36 in, oil, Peruvian balsam, cellulose pigment,paper and fabric cutouts 3d printed chain link on satin and organza.

30 x 36 in, oil, Peruvian balsam, cellulose pigment, chia seeds, flocking, paper, film, and fabric cut outs on organza and upright bass bridge.

24 x 24 in, Oil, celliolose pigment, cherry, bald point pen, marker, clove oil, Peruvian balsam, and turmeric on paper cut outs and canvas. 2019.

24 x 24 in, 24 x 24 in, Oil, celliolose pigment, cherry, bald point pen, marker, clove oil, Peruvian balsam, and turmeric on paper cut outs and canvas. 2019. $3,600

24 x 24 in, Oil, celliolose pigment, cherry, bald point pen, marker, clove oil, Peruvian balsam, and turmeric on paper cut outs and canvas. 2019.

40 x 40 in, oil cellulose pigment, shellac ink, and oil pastel on wood panel.

36 x 36 in, oil, cellulose pigment, shellac ink, on wood pane.

Oil, cellulose pigment, shellac and bister ink, oil pastels, and beechwood tar on wood panel.

36 x 36 in, Oil, cellulose pigment, shellac and bister ink, oil pastel, and marker on wood panel.

24 x 24 in, Oil, cellulose pigment, bister and shellac ink, and oil pastel on wood pane.

18 x 18 in, oil, cellulose pigment, shellac and bister ink, oil pastel, and marker on wood panel.

18 x 18 in, oil, cellulose pigment, shellac and bister ink, oil pastel, and marker on wood panel.

24 x 24 in. Oil, celluolose pigment, shellac and bister ink, oil pastel and marker on wood panel.

18 x 18 in, oil, cellulose pigment, shellac and bister ink, oil pastel, and marker on wood panel.

30 x 30. Oil, cellulose pigment, bister ink , fabric trimand beechwood tar on canvas.

48 x 48 in, oil, celluolose pigment, Peruvian balsam, fabric flocking, graphite, paper and fabric cut outs on canvas.
39 x 36 in, oil, cellulose pigment, Peruvian balsam, bold point pen traced with clove oil, epidote, and paper cutouts, 3d printed remnants on canas with stained oganza and alpaca thread hanging from the bottom. .
24 x 20 in, oil, Peruvian balsam, marker, porcelain fragments, a wooden bass bridge, a rabbit skin mold pour , turmeric, cut out paper, fabric, and plastic, on stretched cotton fabric.
20 x 16 in, oil, Peruvian balsam, celluolose pigment, fine tooth comb, organza, fabric trim and 3d printed gestures, on wooden panel.
20 x 16 in, oil, Peruvian balsam, celluolose pigment, paper cut out, and 3d printed form on canvas.
20 x 16 in, oil, celluolose pigment, Peruvian balsam, turmeric, bold point pen, and clove oil on paper cut out and canvas.
20 x 16 in, oil, celluolose pigment, Peruvian balsam, turmeric, bold point pen, and clove oil on paper cut out and canvas.
Oil, celliolose pigment, cherry, bald point pen, marker, clove oil, Peruvian balsam, and turmeric on paper and yupo cut outs mounted on canvas.
16 x 20 in, oil, celluolose pigment, Peruvian balsam, turmeric, bold point pen, and clove oil on paper cut out and canvas.
20 x 16 in, oil, celluolose pigment, Peruvian balsam, turmeric, bold point pen, and clove oil on paper cut out and canvas.
20 x 16 in, oil, celluolose pigment, Peruvian balsam, turmeric, bold point pen, and clove oil on paper cut out and canvas.
Oil, Peruvian balsam, celluolose pigment, alpaca thread, iron gall ink, on canvas printed with a still from a video, 20 x 27 in.
23 x 25 in, water based pigment, oil, balsam, and lavender glitter on paper and vinyl, 2015.
26 x 24 in, water based pigment, oil,balsam , and lavender glitter on paper and vinyl, 2015.
16 x 13 in, oil, balsam, alpaca and gold thread on fabric dyed satin wrapped over a frame, 2015.
60 x 60 in, beet juice, turmeric, cayenne, and mica powder, oil, pigment, 2015.
24 x 20 inches, oil, industrial marker, and activated charcoal on linen.
Watercolor, oil, balsam, coin, shards of glass, on linen, 24 x 20 inches.
12 x 13 inches, turmeric, watercolor,clove oil, oil paint, and bold point pen on organza wrapped over burlap and wood panel, 2017.
16 x 16 inches, clove oil, bold point pen, trans oxide powder, and oil paint on linen, burlap, and organza. 2017
72 x 48.5 inches, watercolor, oil, Peruvian balsam, beet, turmeric, & matcha powder, thin purple highlighter, cut iridescent mylar, alpaca thread, various fabric on linen, 2017.
24 x 20 inches, oil, paper cut out, industrial marker, and activated charcoal on linen, 2017.
24 x 20 inches, oil, industrial marker, and activated charcoal on linen.
48 x 36 in, oil, balsam, and charcoal on fiberglass fabric, 2016.
24 x 20 inches, oil, balsam, beet powder, and moss, on canvas, 2016.
24 x 20 inches, oil, balsam, moss, birch, and beet powder on canvas, 2016.
15 x 16 inches, oil, balsam, and fine glitter on canvas and woodcut print cut out, 2016.
8 x 10 in fabric dye, bold point pen, clove oil, and balsam on canvas, 2016.
10 x 8 in, oil, balsam, turmeric, fine glitter, on canvas, 2016.
27 x 25 in, pen, oil, balsam, moss, turmeric, fabric, and thread, on canvas, 2016.
27 x 25 in, oil, balsam, moss, and alpaca thread, on linen, 2016.
13 x 13 in, oil on linen, 2016.
Watercolor, oil, balsam, coin, shards of glass on linen.
24 x 20 inches, oil, Peruvian and granulated blasam, turmeric, beet powder, fragmented pieces of stone, and moss on spandex sewn into canvas, 2017,
51 x 24 x 23 in, oil, balsam, alpaca thread on canvas, democratic ribbon, wood, foam wrapped in tissue paper, 2015.
51 x 24 x 23 in, oil, balsam, alpaca thread on canvas, democratic ribbon, wood, foam wrapped in tissue paper, 2015.
12 x 9 in, water color, oil, balsam, and alpaca thread, on canvas and wooden frame, 2015.
30 x 40in, water based pigment, lavender glitter, oil, balsam, alpaca thread, and organza on canvas, 2015.
24 x 20 in, oil, balsam, and fine glitter on silk screen, 2015.
72 x 60 in, fabric dye, oil, balsam, pigment, alpaca thread, and organza on canvas, 2015.
48 x 36 in ,oil, balsam, turmeric, and fine glitter, on linen. 2015.
9 x 12in, oil, balsam, fine glitter, and alpaca thread on silk screen, 2015.
27 x 32 in, oil, balsam, fine glitter, and organza on cotton fabric, 2015.
13 x 10 in, oil, fine glitter ,aluminum tape, on canvas and wooden frame, 2015.
13 x 10 in, oil, balsam, and fine glitter, and thread on silica and wooden frames, 2015.
46 x 46 in, cherries, oil, balsam, mica powder, cotton swabs, vinyl tape on loose linen woven and fitted on a wooden support, 2014.
33 x 33 in, fabric dye, oil, and balsam, dry wall and satin, 2015.
36 x 39 in, oil, balsam, and foam sticker on linoleum, fabric, and canvas, 2014
36 x 36 in, oil, balsam turmeric, on satin, and stretched camouflage fabric, 2014.
72 x 60 in, fabric dye and oil on organza and velvet, 2014.
72 x 60 in, oil and balsam on satin.
27 x 22 in, oil, balsam, and mica powered on linen, 2014.
36 x 39 in, oil, balsam, raw pigment, fine glitter, and mica powder on canvas, 2014.
60 x 48 in, oil and balsam on linen, 2014.
22-x-23 in, walnut-ink, fabric-dye soap water, oil, on honeycomb board.
12-x-12-in, oil and balsam on paper, 2013.
13-x-12 in, oil and balsam on paper, 2013.
11-x-9 in, oil and balsam on magazine paper, 2013.
9 x 12 in, oil and balsam on screen imprinted paper souvenir bag, 2013.
9-x-7 in, oil on old magazine paper, 2013.
18 x 21 in, walnut ink, fabric dye, soap, oil and balsam on honey comb board, 2013.
20 x 23 in, walnut ink, fabric dye, soap, oil and balsam on honey comb board, 2013.
19-x-21 in, soap water, walnut ink, and oil on window screen and honey comb board, 2013.
72 x 60in, oil on canvas, 2005.
72 x 60 in, oil and mica powder on canvas, 2009
68 x 69 in, oil on canvas, 2007.
18.5 x 20.5 inches, fabric dye, oil, balsam, turmeric, mica powder, extra fine glitter, and moss on organza wrapped over a shaped wood panel, 2017.
16 x 18 inches, inches, bald point pen, clove oil, walnut oil, turmeric, paper cut out, industrial martker, and oil paint on wood panel, 2017.
20 x 16 in, bold point pen, clove oil, and colored pencil on canvas, 2018.
20 x 16 in, fabric dye, oil, balsam on canvas, and turmeric on canvas, 2018.
24 x 20 in, fabric dye, oil, and balsam on silkscreen, 2018.
39 x 36 in, oil, fabric dye, balsam, and paper cut out on organza wrapped over burlap, 2018.
120 in x 60 in including thread, oil , lavender spike, Peruvian Balsam, paper and fabric cut outs, plaster mold fragments, charcoal, moringa powder, turmeric, and alpaca thread. 2018.
11 x 9 inches, oil, and cherries on linen, 2018.
11 x 9 inches, oil, industrial marker, and charcoal on linen, 2018
11 x 9 inches, oil, balsam, industrial marker. trans-oxide powder, and activated charcoal on linen, 2018.
72 x 50 in, oil, cellulose pigment, marker, iron gall ink, paper cut outs, turmeric, and alpaca thread on stretched organza fabric, 2019.
24 x 24 in, oil, Peruvian balsam, cellulose pigment, alpaca thread, paper and fabric cutouts on printed silk.
24 x 24 in, oil, Peruvian balsam, cellulose pigment, alpaca thread, paper and fabric cutouts on printed silk.
24 x 24 in, oil, Peruvian balsam, cellulose pigment, alpaca thread, paper and fabric cutouts on printed silk.
29 x 28 in, oil, iron gall ink, celluolose pigment, fabric flocking, alpaca thread, marker, turmeric, and oxidized cherry juice on printed rayon, organza, and Peruvian balsam on wood, 2019.
30 x 36 in, oil, Peruvian balsam, cellulose pigment,paper and fabric cutouts 3d printed chain link on satin and organza.
30 x 36 in, oil, Peruvian balsam, cellulose pigment, chia seeds, flocking, paper, film, and fabric cut outs on organza and upright bass bridge.
24 x 24 in, Oil, celliolose pigment, cherry, bald point pen, marker, clove oil, Peruvian balsam, and turmeric on paper cut outs and canvas. 2019.
24 x 24 in, 24 x 24 in, Oil, celliolose pigment, cherry, bald point pen, marker, clove oil, Peruvian balsam, and turmeric on paper cut outs and canvas. 2019. $3,600
24 x 24 in, Oil, celliolose pigment, cherry, bald point pen, marker, clove oil, Peruvian balsam, and turmeric on paper cut outs and canvas. 2019.
40 x 40 in, oil cellulose pigment, shellac ink, and oil pastel on wood panel.
36 x 36 in, oil, cellulose pigment, shellac ink, on wood pane.
Oil, cellulose pigment, shellac and bister ink, oil pastels, and beechwood tar on wood panel.
36 x 36 in, Oil, cellulose pigment, shellac and bister ink, oil pastel, and marker on wood panel.
24 x 24 in, Oil, cellulose pigment, bister and shellac ink, and oil pastel on wood pane.
18 x 18 in, oil, cellulose pigment, shellac and bister ink, oil pastel, and marker on wood panel.
18 x 18 in, oil, cellulose pigment, shellac and bister ink, oil pastel, and marker on wood panel.
24 x 24 in. Oil, celluolose pigment, shellac and bister ink, oil pastel and marker on wood panel.
18 x 18 in, oil, cellulose pigment, shellac and bister ink, oil pastel, and marker on wood panel.
30 x 30. Oil, cellulose pigment, bister ink , fabric trimand beechwood tar on canvas.