My paintings, Mirage Marauder, Neo Core Text, Symbolic Gesture Structure as part of the Have Your Cake and Eat it Too! exhibit at MELHOP Gallery.
Sick Painters, curated by Dustin Metz ,Ms Barbers, Los Angeles, CA, 2017.
Interior Landszaft, curated by Monika Zarzeczna (installation view, Lesley Heller Workspace, New York, 2016
Portrait of My Brother, Ms Barbers, Los Angeles, California, curated by Chase Wilson. 2016.
Island Time: Galveston Artist Residency - The First Four Years, CAMH, Houston, Texas, curated by Eric Schnell, 2015
Meditations on Making: Marinating & Marking Movement, One River Gallery, Englewood, New Jersey, 2015.